Thursday, July 28, 2011

Deal or no Deal

As you have already heard, the Speaker of the House John Boehner's bill has been pulled and postponed. Now I have been watching the debt crisis closesly and please allow me to put my two cents in.

A. If the US defaults it will undoubtedly send a shockwave through the financial system, and the US will lose their converted AAA ration. However as the deadline looms, such a move is unprecedented and as Timothy Geinther puts it, "unthinkable". It is my belief that the US will never default, much to the dismay of the Republicans. It is in their veiw, that should that happen the fall of the blame will rest with President Obama.

The Republicans are after all Americans so they do not wish to see the US default so they are hoping just as the Democrats are hoping that the President will pull the 14th Amendment and raise the debt ceiling. There will be little or no opposition in the courts for a move like that, but such a move is not guaranteed in the court of public opinion.

B. If a last minute deal, as the the Harry Reid's plan that had the bi-partisan backing is pushed through last minute and acquires the votes and the debt ceiling is raised. The President will come out on top.

C. If the U.S defaults and the President does not use the 14th, it is the Republicans who will bear the weight of the fault, and especially Speaker of the House John Bohner... please stay tuned for part II tomorrow.

come to think of it, this post was more like my 1cents in haha

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Watch the throne

Hey online world, Jigga and Kanye have just released the tracklist of their joint E.P album Watch the throne. Is it me or there is a lot of christianity in the track names. Be that may, i CANNOT wait for this to drop. for those interested you can pre-order the album now.


1. No Church in The Wild (Feat. Frank Ocean)
2. Lift Off (Feat. Beyoncé)
3. Niggas in Paris
4. Otis (Feat. Otis Redding)
5. Gotta Have It
6. New Day
7. Prime Time
8. Who Gon Stop Me
9. Murder to Excellence
10. Welcome to The Jungle
11. Sweet Baby Jesus (Feat. Frank Ocean)
12. Why I Love You (Feat. Mr Hudson)
13. Illest Motherfucker Alive
14. H*A*M
15. That’s My Bitch
16. The Joy (Feat. Curtis Mayfield)